Use Refuge and/or Frolick to block Lift-Off / Nocturnal Strike as needed.

If Bones has Call Darkness + Nocturnal Strike, EPW will likely die before it can do anything meaningful. Bones comes out: Emerald Dream > refresh Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite.Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2) (same attacks as 2-2-2 Emerald Whelpling)

Bones: Call Darkness and/or Lift-Off / Nocturnal StrikeĢ. The xp for this quest was returned in patch 6.2 after a previous removal due to an exploit.įor this fight, you may find it useful to forfeit/restart and randomize the pets' abilities (6-ability pool instead of typical static 3) to avoid some of the following hard-hitting or otherwise hindering attacks: One of 5 possible teams (team changes daily). Account-daily offered by either Kura (Horde quest) or Erris (Alliance quest). Erris' pets have randomly chosen powers every time they start a new fight, and without Drain Blood you'll kill Enbi'see too quickly. If he doesn't have Drain Blood as his third power, forfeit and try again. Edit for notes on keeping Enbi'see alive -Ĭheck Enbi'see's powers as soon as the fight starts. Either of these will let a level 1 pet take zero damage, and still get experience. Alternatively, bring in the carry after Chrominius dies, and then immediately switch to the Zeppelin. Then bring out the Zeppelin, Decoy, spam Missile till Bones goes into his rez round, and then explode. Bones comes out, just chain pass at that point till Chrominius dies. If you use a Darkmoon Zeppelin as the second pet, have Chrominius use Surge of Power once Mel is dead, and Enbi'see is down far enough for it to be a one-hit-kill. Edit for a far easier leveling strategy. At that point, one hit with Surge of Power caused Enbi'see to keel over, and Bones then committed suicide as well. In my case, I was able to kill Mal completely with the backline damage, and then forced Bones into his Undead Rez round. Open with Arcane Explosion, and just keep on spamming that, using Ancient Blessing whenever it's off cooldown to keep your health up. Something that isn't Aquatic, and is level 10 or above should be safe. In my case, Enbi'see cast Hawk Eye which did no damage at all, but I would not want to bet on this always happening. You might be able to level a lowbie pet if they can stay in for one round at the start before switching to Chrominius. In my experience Chrominius soloed it without any trouble at all.

You need a Chrominius (2/2/2) and pretty much any two other level 25 pets as backup. Comment by dgnuffThis strategy is thanks to Loopie1973 who posted it over on the page for Erris the Collector