“Virus and Spyware definitions couldn’t be updated. It is found that while downloading the latest update in Windows Defender, the installation part of the process failed after the download, and a message appears that shows:

Windows Defender is a handy tool but updating it causes various errors, the users are found complaining about the error code 0x800704e8 and other technical issues that prevent them from updating this built in an antivirus program.

This freeware tool is provided by Microsoft to protect the user system from external threats like spyware and malware. Windows Defender is a built-in protection tool that is designed for providing real-time protection. If you are also struggling with Windows Defender error 0x800704e8, then here check out the complete solutions to fix the irritating Error 0x800704e8. The Error code 0x800704e8 is an update error that many users are encountering while trying to update the Windows Defender. While updating Windows Defender, I get an error that states update cannot be installed with the error no.